Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Cupcake

Eli contemplates his first cupcake.

After smooshing frosting around for a while, Dad shows him how it's done.

Eli catches on quickly.

I get to eat this whole thing?!

Yay for birthdays!!

The Birthday Boy


Birthday Boy with his cupcake maker

Who's the funnest Auntie?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Developmental update: almost 1 year old

subtitle: no, he's not walking yet.

Eli turns 1 in 8 days and he's up to his usual dare-devil tricks. He:

*waves bye
*gives kisses on command (this is my favorite skill of his)
*dances on command (this is my 2nd favorite skill of his)
*kicks his legs on command
*points to the kitchen when we say "hungry" or "food"
*points to the stairs (and his room) when his bedtime story is over or when we say "naptime"
*grew his 5th tooth (2 on top, 3 on bottom)
*knows how to use gravity to get something out of a container (i.e. pouring cereal out of a tupperware)
*opens CD cases and takes the CDs and album literature out of the case
*turns book pages
*opens and closes doors (so far without smooshing fingers)
*uses the stereo remote to turn the music louder and quieter
*empties a shelf of all books or DVDs or CDs in less than half a second
*sends text messages in his own private language from my phone
*crawls like a bat out of hell
*stands up and cruises (walks holding onto the edge of the couch), but usually crawling is faster so he opts for that
*makes the sign for "light" when he sees a lamp, or sunlight moving around the room
*plays "catch" with dad (rolling an orange back and forth)
*takes all credit cards out of my wallet one at a time
*takes every kleenex in the box out one at a time, very helpful
*puts his arms one at a time through his sleeves as we dress him, passing whatever he is holding from hand to hand to further facilitate the process
*drinks from his sippy cup
*feeds himself fingerfoods and sometimes even applesauce or yogurt on a spoon
*tackles our heads, smooshing his cheek on our cheek, when we lie down on the floor (this isn't really a developmental milestone, but is adorable and therefore worth including)
*says "mama", "dad" or "da-ee", "more", and various things we don't know the meaning of, such as ba-ba-ba, da-da-da, dis, dat, voov, dsst

as you can see, he is obviously a genius, and i'm sure i'm the first mother to feel this way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Da Boyz

Apron strings

Friday, February 5, 2010

More fun with produce

Everyone's favorite game: Chase the Potato!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't know how your shoe got here, Mommy. I was just reading my book. Honest.


Interlude with remotes