Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eli is 3 weeks old

Hey Eli fans!

Eli turned 3 weeks old yesterday. He giggled for the first time on Wednesday, is gaining really good weight (over an oz a day, which is phenomenal), has peed all over us several times this week, and has decided his favorite time of day to be awake and noisy is 1am-5am. We've been enjoying the sunny weather by taking him on frequent walks around the neighborhood and farmer's market, where he attracts a lot of attention. He came to Match Day at UNC this week, when all of my classmates learned where they would be heading for residency this summer, and LOVED all the noise and crazy energy (ie slept very well in his sling).

More pics to come, including one where my pants are soaked with pee (not mine) and I am cracking up. If I'm not mistaken, Eli appears to be snickering in it as well.

I think it's funny that all the pictures we have of Daniel with Eli are very animated, and all the pictures of me with Eli are of us asleep.

Little button.

1 comment:

  1. Dude- he TOTALLY looks like Daniel in the "Little Button" pic. You know the theory right? Babies look a lot like the bio dad for a few months so he won't abandon/eat them. So far it holds true :-)
